Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall
Municipal Heritage Committee
Municipal Heritage
Ryan Martell
Council Representative
Fred Ngoundjo
Carole Libbey
Members at Large
Sam Comtois
Chantal Gilmour
Ryan MacKay
Jason Riley
Don Smith

When a heritage group is established, it becomes a standing committee of council and an integral part of the municipal structure. The committee functions under the council and normally reports directly to council or through another standing committee.
Briefly, these are some of the ways in which the heritage group can assist a municipal council:
- examining all the properties and areas that may deserve protection now or in the future;
- facilitating the community's interest and involvement in heritage conservation through a recognized forum;
- promoting heritage conservation within the community;
- advising property owners on appropriate conservation and maintenance practices;
- determining the value of heritage resources for protection through designation;
- providing council with reliable advice to assist them in making decisions on complex issues;
- administering designated property grant programs;
- educating the community to encourage a conservation ethic and a climate of responsible stewardship of the community's heritage assets.