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Former Baptist Church

130 Sydney St.

Resting on a rough masonry foundation, this modest brick building was constructed in the Gothic style which was popular in nineteenth century Ontario. The building still exhibits many of the features that were typical of this approach to church building at the time, including the steeply pitched roof, the narrow pointed windows along both sides of the building. The use of multi-colored brick to accentuate the pointed arches over the door and windows.

By July 1884, the church was ready for Sunday service, although there was still work to be completed on the exterior. Part of the interior are the ceiling of ash, the beams, rafters and braces are all exposed and the only ornamentation are a few pendants and some scroll work.

Due to the growth of the congregation the building was sold in 1961 to the Courtauld's Viscose Workers' Association who later transferred the building to the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. In recent years the property has been used as an art gallery and is now used as a rental facility for groups and meetings.

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