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Heritage-Patrimoine Cornwall Hybrid (In-person & Zoom) Meeting

Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Thurs. Nov. 3, 2023


Present: Patty Brisson Joan Gaudreau Carole Libbey    Ryan Martelle

               Jason Riley    Don Smith

               Via Zoom:  Debbie Ledoux (via Zoom)

               Ryan MacKay  Chantal Gilmour  

Absent:        Nil

City Rep: Sayana Sherif

City Rep: Fred Ngoundjo


In the absence of D. Ledoux, J. Gaudreau conducted the meeting.


  1. Call to Order: 6:35

  2. Addition to Agenda: - Tribunal Report on Locomotive #17
    - Clarification on designated and non-designated properties and when Heritage Cornwall to be notified
    - report on Smiths Falls and National Trust Conferences
    Approval of Agenda and Meeting minutes of Oct. 5th, moved by J. Gaudreau seconded by P. Brisson


  3. Treasurer’s Report - C. Libbey reported an outstanding balance of $15,628 as of Nov. 2nd. Acceptance moved by C. Libbey seconded by J. Gaudreau

  4. Business Arising

    1. Cornwall Room Schedule: distributed

    2. Heritage Awards 2023 - P. Brisson reported that Cogeco will video the presentation by D. Ledoux to the 2023 recipient at 341 Third Street East on Nov. 4th.
      P. Brisson will draft an article on the building and presentation for news papers

    3. Heritage Plaques Program -D.Ledoux:
      working on the plaque for Dr. Paul at 110 Sydney Street and Pommier Jewelries

    4. Heritage Fair on Sat., Feb. 17th, 2024 - D.Ledoux
      Will book Cornwall Square for this event and hopefully again in a vacant store.
      Will contact former participants shortly
      To have available table for book signings (Manson, Guy-Mayer)


  5. New Business

  1. Cornwall 1784 in 2024 hosted by SD& G Historical Society and Cornwall Community Museum, organized by N. White. To be held June 7 and 8.

  2. December Christmas Lunch – Friday, Dec. 15th.

  3. Tribunal Report on Locomotive #17
    - Found that the City is permitted to de-designate the land
    - the train is an artifact and not a building, therefore its designation should never have been done
    - the City must now decide the future of the train

  4. Requirement to notify Heritage Cornwall when there are applications to renovate/ build that may impact designated and non- designated properties

  5. Report on Smiths Falls and National Trust Conferences – D. Smith

Next Meeting - November 2, 2023

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